Renowned for his work in the “Dr. Death” Jack Kevorkian cases, between the years 1994 and 1997, attorney Geoffrey Fieger continues to remain in the headlines after filing a $100 million lawsuit against the state of Michigan and McLaren Flint Hospital earlier this year. Fieger is representing individuals who contracted Legionnaire’s disease on connection with the Flint water crisis. Given his high profile cases, winning track record and, most importantly, Fieger’s strong advocacy for his clients during their time of need, he was voted Best Male Attorney by readers of the Metro Times. Best of Detroit 2016. Fieger also made history in 2011 when his firm won $144 million, the largest in Michigan history, and one of the largest nationwide, for a girl was permanently brain damaged at birth. Combined, the firm’s verdicts and settlements equal hundreds of millions of dollars for clients.
To contact the team at Fieger Law, call 800-294-6637.
Read more here: Metro Times, Best of Detroit 2016