Has your employer mistreated you? Do their actions contradict what they said in an employee handbook or employment contract? Have you been subjected to wrongful discrimination, sexual harassment, or unlawful retaliation and/or termination?
If so, you might qualify for a legal remedy under either federal or Michigan law.
To determine the full nature and extent of the rights you have under state and federal employment laws, you should retain the services of a serious Michigan employment law attorney for legal representation.
On this page, you’ll learn more about:
- Wage and Hour Disputes
- Employer Retaliation
- Workplace Discrimination
- Workplace Sexual Harassment
- Workplace Bullying
- Wrongful Termination
- Employment Contracts
- Legal Protections for Non-Traditional Employees
Hundreds of Millions of Dollars Recovered for Clients
Sexual harassment, discrimination, and unjust termination are just a few of the abuses that employers inflict upon their employees. In most cases, it’s a violation of your civil rights, and it’s not acceptable.
The employment law attorneys at Fieger Law don’t tolerate these types of abuses, and neither should you. We have represented workers whose civil rights were trampled upon in the name of corporate greed and profits. We fight for the truth, and we win.
We’re Here to Protect Your Rights
Employment laws are intended to keep employees safe and ensure they get treated fairly in the workplace. They mostly began in the early 20th century and have continually expanded and evolved to create safe working environments, non-discriminatory hiring practices, a minimum wage, and more.
Millions of workers benefit from these laws, but employers don’t always observe or follow them. When workers get victimized by greedy employers, they need experienced legal advocates on their side to help them get the money they deserve.
Our firm can help you with many employment law issues, including:
- Minimum wage violations
- Wrongful termination
- Employment contracts
- Sexual harassment
- Discrimination (gender, race, religion, age, pregnancy, military service)
- Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) violations
- Retaliation and whistleblowing
- Overtime pay disputes
- Workplace violence
- Workplace Accidents
- Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) violations
- Unfair or unenforceable non-compete contracts
- Required tip sharing
- Forced to work off the clock
- Misclassified as an independent contractor
- Improperly paid by the job/piece/install
Whether you are transitioning to a new job, leaving an old job, or simply encountering unfair changes in your employment, the team at Fieger Law can protect your civil rights.
In many employment lawsuits, employees or former employees are entitled to back pay for any money rightfully owed to them by an employer. This is often true in minimum wage and overtime disputes.
Your employer is required to pay you either the federal or state-mandated minimum wage, whichever is higher. Workers in Michigan older than 18 are currently entitled to at least $10.56 an hour. On February 21, 2025, minimum wage increased to $12.48 an hour. Even full-time salaried workers must have an annual pay that satisfies the minimum wage when accounting for a 40-hour workweek.
Whether you are salaried or hourly, if you work longer than 8 hours in a day, 40 hours in a week, or more than seven days consecutively, you are likely entitled to overtime. You are not typically required to have “approval” for overtime, nor are employers required to be aware that you worked overtime at the time. As soon as your employer knows that you’ve worked extra hours, you are entitled to extra pay for those hours.
If your employer has refused to pay you your rightful wages, turn to Fieger Law. We’ve taken on big businesses who thought they could get away with cheating their employees. Our firm won’t let that stand. We’ll file a claim to make your employer pay every dime they owe you, as well as potential penalty fees based on how long their violations went unaddressed.
Many employers get away with overtime violations, because many of them go unreported or employees wrongfully believe they are exempt from overtime pay. This is rarely the case. If you’ve been recently promoted, only to find that you’re working more hours for less pay per hour, you may be owed a great deal more money than you realize.
Fieger Law has been going after large franchises who have been taking advantage of their managers by using “loopholes” in the Fair Labor Standards Act. The FLSA states that employees in administrative positions (managers) are exempt from overtime pay. As a result, businesses will “promote” their employees to legally compel them to work long hours for barely more than minimum wage. In reality, these managers are doing almost the exact work — just with a different title and less pay per hour.
If you believe this to be your situation, your employer may owe you hundreds of hours of overtime pay, as well as compensation for violating your civil rights. Our team will make sure they’re held accountable for taking advantage of you and wrongfully denying you the wages you earned.
Since 1950, Fieger Law has stood for the rights of workers. If you’ve been terminated on illegal grounds, you’re entitled to sue your employer in a wrongful termination lawsuit. Wrongful termination includes firing someone based on their membership in any protected class (i.e., for having a disability, being a certain race or gender, belonging to a particular faith, reaching a specific age, etc.)
However, you are also protected from termination as retaliation. This action includes getting fired for:
- Reporting an employer’s workplace violations
- Filing a workers’ compensation lawsuit
- Suing an employer for discrimination
- Taking family or maternity leave
- Filing a sexual harassment complaint
If you’ve been fired following any of the above events, you may have been wrongfully terminated. Your employer will never admit their wrongdoing, but Fieger Law knows how to handle big businesses and employers. We conduct the investigations that reveal your firing for what it is: discriminatory and wrong.
Contact Our Michigan Employment Lawyers Today
If you or a family member’s civil rights have been violated regarding employment, Fieger Law is here to advocate on your behalf. Contact us today for a free consultation. Put our decades of experience to work for you.