Michigan Vehicle Accident Lawyers

Over $500 Million Won for Accident Victims Nationwide

Man holding his head in his hands after an automobile accident Vehicles are a vital part of our economy and our daily lives, but when people are negligent behind the wheel, innocent people are hurt or killed. While we never think it will happen to us, people’s lives are changed every day by accidents on roads, runways, rails, and water. Paralysis, brain damage, burn injuries, and more — the long-term cost of a vehicle crash is often unthinkable.

But when it comes to holding someone responsible for those long-term costs, you have an answer: Fieger Law.

Fieger Law refuses to back down or settle for less than you need—when we’re facing off against travel companies, airlines, insurance companies, and others, we have the legal knowledge and skill to outclass them again and again. There’s nowhere injustice can hide when we prepare your case.

Whether you or someone you love has been injured in a crash involving a car, truck, train, boat, airplane or mass transit vehicle, Fieger Law should be your first choice in representation. From our law office in Michigan, we can assist with and manage motor vehicle accident claims from clients across the U.S.

One of the Most Successful Law Firms in the United States

Award-winning lawyer Geoffrey Fieger is known for high-profile clients like assisted-suicide advocate Dr. Jack Kevorkian, and for record-setting birth trauma and medical malpractice verdicts. Less well known is his unparalleled success winning millions of dollars for everyday clients involved in car crashes.

Geoffrey and his team of attorneys have won more than 165 verdicts and settlements of $1 million or more. Many of these were for victims of car accidents, including:

  • $15 million in a Detroit case in 2008
  • $30 million in Coe v. City of Dearborn in 2005
  • $30 million in an auto negligence case in Genessee County in 2000

We represent claims involving:

Fieger Law should be your first call. Our team of Michigan vehicle accident attorneys is based in Michigan, but we try cases in virtually every state.

Our firm is responsible for some of the largest verdicts and settlements in the nation, with over $500 million obtained for vehicle accident victims alone.

Vehicle Accident Lawyers Who Win

Our track record speaks for itself. We have won so many multi-million dollar verdicts and settlements for our clients we can’t list them all here. Among them are $6.5 for a pedestrian killed by a city vehicle, $7.5 million for a pilot who died due to his company’s negligence, and $9 million in a recent bus crash.

Money doesn’t fix the suffering caused by a vehicle accident, but it can ease the financial burden of lost property, chronic injury or the tragic loss of income due to fatalities.

Call 1-800-294-6637 now for a consultation on your case—we can investigate your accident and hold those responsible accountable.

What Is Auto Negligence?

Generally speaking, auto negligence is a failure to operate a motor vehicle in a reasonably safe manner, with due regard to terrain, weather and other vehicles. Laws regarding auto negligence differ across the country, but the award-winning team at Michigan-based Fieger Law is experienced at navigating laws in each state.

You need counsel to make sure you are handling evidence, dealing with others involved in the crash, and communicating with insurance companies and their automobile accident lawyers in a manner that protects you and gets you the benefits you deserve.

What to Do If You Are Involved In a Car Accident

After a Car Accident in Michigan

Following an accident, here are some steps you absolutely want to follow:

  • Don’t leave the scene: Never leave the scene of an accident. If you have to for safety purposes, move your vehicle to the side of the road but stay nearby. You can also take an extra step and set up flares or keep your flashers on to keep the scene safe.
  • Call 911: Call the police right away and wait for them at the scene. This remains true even if there are not serious injuries. It may be important to file a claim with your insurance company.
  • Exchange Information: Gather insurance and contact information of all other drivers involved, and give your information to them.
  • Report the Accident: Call your insurance company immediately with your police report number to tell them about the accident. Many policies require that you immediately file a report.
  • Get Medical Help: This step is absolutely crucial. If you have suffered even minor injuries, going to your local emergency room or seeing your family physician is essential to your future health. It is also important when building a personal injury claim, especially if future health issues arise.
  • Protect Your Rights: If you are injured, call Fieger Law to learn what important steps you should take when reporting your injury to your insurance company, requesting the proper forms, and documenting your medical care.

From the moment we start your claim to its conclusion, we take everything seriously and to heart. We act as if we are representing ourselves because you and your family deserve the best possible legal guidance and moral support during this difficult time.

Why You Need Legal Counsel After A Car Accident

Car accidents can range from one-on-one crashes to pile-ups involving multiple vehicles. They may include drivers and passengers as well. Property damage can exceed tens of thousands of dollars. Worse yet, injuries can be severe, resulting in lifelong consequences and physical tolls.

Car accidents are complex events, with multiple factors involved in each collision. There are many reasons why accidents occur, including:

  • Negligence
  • Poor weather conditions
  • Distracted driving
  • Alcohol

The role of a skilled car accident lawyer is to cut through the extraneous details and get to the core of an accident’s cause. Our firm is renowned all over the world for investigating and demonstrating negligence in highly complex, layered cases.

In order to preserve evidence and pursue the benefits you deserve, you need a Michigan car accident attorney who is an expert in accident law. You need an attorney with a winning track record who won’t back down from large insurance companies or the opposing counsel. You need someone who will fight to get you the money you need for your medical expenses, your rehabilitation, your family, and your property.

Dial (800) 294-6637 today and speak with a member of Fieger Law.

Recommended Reading

Vehicle Accidents

People Love Fieger Law

  • He knows how to win cases.

    - Charlie Langton, Fox 2 News

  • Geoffrey inspires.

    - Attorney Gerry Spence

  • The most brilliant lawyer in Michigan.

    - Attorney Gerry Spence

  • Charismatic and shrewd.

    - Journalist Jack Lessenberry

  • That’s who to call to get the job done right the first time!

    - John McGlock

  • First lawyer to respond at all! And more quickly than promised.

    - Mary Sinda Comfort

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