What Should You Ask Your Doctor After a Car Accident?

Car Accident After being involved in a car accident, it is crucial for you to visit a doctor, even if your injuries seem minor and of no consequence. Symptoms for certain injuries are not always immediately apparent and may worsen over time, which is why a doctor’s visit should be a priority in the aftermath of a car accident. During this visit, it is important to ask some questions that will not only keep you informed of your injuries and the recovery process but aid you in your personal injury claim as well.

  1. Tell your doctor everything. This first point may not be a question, but is still a critical part of your visit. To properly treat and diagnose you, your doctor should be aware of the details of your crash, how you felt immediately afterward, and if you are experiencing any symptoms or pain. Make sure everything is documented since this will be vital evidence for your case.
  2. What are my future health risks? Some serious injuries have lasting effects and may cause permanent debilitation. Ask your doctor if your injuries are likely to have any long-term consequences or if there is anything you can do to prevent permanent damage. Make sure you fully understand the severity of your injuries, how they were caused, and what treatments you might require.
  3. Can I return to work? If you have work or school, ask your doctor if you should take time off to recover. Car accident victims often require time to heal and recover. Even if your injuries are not serious, returning to your normal activities might aggravate the problem, or even cause further damage. Heed your doctor’s recommendation.
  4. May I have copies of my medical records? This is particularly important for filing a personal injury claim. Most doctors will give you copies of any documentation you require, but sometimes a formal request is necessary to receive copies, so be sure to ask.

The Southfield car accident lawyers at Fieger Law have a winning track record and will not back down from insurance companies who try to deny your claim. If you have been involved in a car accident, you need someone to fight for you to secure the compensation you deserve. Geoffrey Fieger and his team of attorneys have won over 165 verdicts and settlements of $1 million or more.

Call us today at 1-800-294-6637.

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