How to Hire a Lawyer

Visit for more information on how to hire a lawyer. This video is America's winningest lawyer Geoffrey Fieger, sharing thoughts on what to look for in an attorney: "Hi, I'm Geoff Fieger. If you're rich you can hire a big law firm on a retainer. But what if you're a regular person without a lot of money who has never had a need for a lawyer? How do you go about finding a lawyer who's really gonna stand up for you against the corporations, the insurance companies or government? How do you find a lawyer who really has talent? Let's start at the beginning. There are case where only a trial lawyer should be involved and truthfully trial lawyers are few and far between no matter what those TV ads for lawyers say. Investigate. Find out the lawyer's track record. Do they even go to court? Do they actually try cases, or do they just run ads and refer your case to another lawyer? Don't be afraid to ask. You have a right to find a real trial lawyer who will fight for you. And remember, if you don't stand for something, you end up standing for nothing." Fieger Law. To learn more about Fieger Law's record-setting, multi-million-dollar verdicts and settlements in practice areas like medical malpractice, personal injury, birth injury, worker's compensation, sexual harassment, civil rights and more, visit. You can also call our law firm at (800) 294-6637 or fill out our online case submission form for a free consultation.

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